Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yes...we're still here!

Marinn openning her first baby doll that was actually made my yours truly. It was actually relatively easy (hey if I can do it...) and really fun. I have a similar picture of myself openning my first doll too! It's official: I AM TERRIBLE AT BLOGGING. I can't even seem to figure out how to set my pics so this is all a hot mess. IF you can make it through this nonsense there is a message at the bottom. Sorry. Again.

Here is Sean and Brady figuring out the ins and outs of "Gorilla Mountain". Thank you Santa for making this little boy's LIFE:)
Here are the cuties on Christmas morning...matching jammies could just be my fav!

Just in case anyone out there still reads this: WE ARE ALL ALIVE AND WELL. There is so much to catch up on that I have been putting it off...forgive me?! So I will try my best to recap the last little bit of our lives...
The littlies as we came to call them. Poor Andrew had to over come a double ear infection and a good konk on the in the face! They were so fun to watch as they interacted with each other!
The biggies with Santa on Christmas Eve. Brady just had a ball with his cousins...were having a hard time transitioning to life without them around 24/7!
Santa really laying the law down..."I'm really checking to see if you are naughty or nice". I am really going to miss using that as a threat!
RockBand/ Guitar Hero was a common theme with both families!
Marinny getting some turkey day snuggles in with Uncle Sean.

The holidays started with Thanksgiving...Julie and I actually pulled it off by ourselves this year. True to form...I only really got pics of the kids! Our family's TRUE Thanksgiving day was December 1, 2009 when Kim got a call from a company that he interviewed with back in July. They had been doing some re-structuring and wanted Kim to be a part it. Finally. Cue the heavenly choir...HALLELULIA!!! Although Kim will be on the road A LOT he is in the field that he loves and the counts for a lot. DVSport is a digital software company that teams(college and pro's)use for :scouting, replay, recruiting etc. Kim first became familiar with the company because that is what he used at the Y. Most of you know perfectly well what a difficult time these past 6 months have been. It wasn't pretty but we MADE it. Sometimes there are no words to express how you feel. The best I can do is simply: WE ARE SO GRATEFUL!
On to Christmas where we were lucky enough to have both our families in town. And again, I did not document these occasions very well. If I didn't have Leslie or Danielle in my life no one would know that we exist! Here are just a very few pictures to mark our FANTASTIC holiday. Love, love family! We, like you, are looking forward to 2010 and all the highs, lows and in between times that it will bring.


Ayda Sue and Violet Anne said...

oh hooray for kim! (and you guys too, of course) i'm so happy for you all! i wish we were closer... a play date once a year is kind of a drag :)
much much love from maine!

daniellejackson said...

I'm so glad you blog! Did you get the Christmas pictures I sent in a picasa album?